Should Ac Fan Be On Auto Or Circulate

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As summer approaches, people start to think about beating the heat. One common question that arises for those with central air conditioning units is whether to have the fan set to auto or circulate. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both settings and ultimately come to a conclusion on what is the best choice.

What is Auto?

When the fan is set to auto, it means that it will only turn on when the AC unit is actively cooling the air. Once it reaches the desired temperature, the fan will turn off until the next cooling cycle begins. This setting is generally more energy-efficient as it uses less electricity.

What is Circulate?

When the fan is set to circulate, it runs constantly, even when the AC unit is not actively cooling the air. This setting can be helpful in circulating the air throughout the room and keeping the temperature consistent. However, it can also use more energy as the fan is constantly running.

Advantages of Auto

One clear advantage of setting the fan to auto is that it uses less energy. This can help lower your utility bills and be more environmentally friendly. Additionally, running the fan constantly can create a draft, which can make the room feel cooler than it actually is. With the fan set to auto, the temperature in the room will remain consistent without creating a draft.

Advantages of Circulate

Setting the fan to circulate can be useful in homes with uneven temperatures. By running the fan constantly, the air is distributed evenly throughout the room, and the temperature stays consistent. Additionally, it can help improve the quality of the air by circulating it and preventing it from becoming stagnant.


The decision to set the AC fan to auto or circulate ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific needs of your home. If energy efficiency is a top priority, then setting the fan to auto is the better choice. On the other hand, if you have uneven temperatures in your home or want to improve the air quality, then setting the fan to circulate may be more beneficial. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your individual needs and preferences.


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