How To Position Fans To Cool A Room With Ac

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Air conditioning has become a necessity in almost all households. However, just having an air conditioner is not enough. You need to position the fans in a way that enhances the cooling effect. This article will guide you on how to position fans to cool a room with AC.

Understand the basics

Before we proceed, let's understand the basics of air conditioning. An AC works by circulating cool air throughout the room. It absorbs the hot air and releases it outside, making the room cooler. However, sometimes, the cool air may not reach all corners of the room. That's where the fans come in.

Positioning the fans at the right place

It is essential to position the fans in the right place to achieve maximum cooling. Firstly, place the fans in the areas that receive the most sunlight. Sunlight heats up the room, and by placing the fans in these areas, you can reduce the heat and circulate the cool air. Secondly, place the fans near the air conditioner. This is because the AC releases cool air close to it. By placing the fans in this area, you can circulate the cool air to the rest of the room.

Use oscillating fans

Oscillating fans are a great option for cooling large rooms. This is because they move horizontally, which helps in circulating air more effectively. An oscillating fan can cover a larger area and circulate cool air to all corners of the room. Hence, it is always advisable to use an oscillating fan along with the AC.

Other tips for cooling a room with AC

Apart from positioning the fans in the right place, there are many other tips you can follow to enhance the cooling effect. Firstly, close all windows and doors, allowing the AC to circulate cool air in the room effectively. Secondly, use curtains or blinds to block the sunlight. This helps in reducing the amount of heat entering the room. Lastly, make sure to clean the AC filters regularly. Dirty filters can reduce the efficiency of the AC by blocking the airflow.


In conclusion, cooling a room with an AC is not just about purchasing an AC. You need to position the fans in the right place and follow other tips to enhance the cooling effect. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the cool breeze even during the hottest days.


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