Axial Fans Vs. Centrifugal Fans – What’s The Difference?

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Fans come in different shapes and sizes, and that difference makes their application and performance very different from one another. DC Axial Fans and centrifugal fans are often confused, so this comparison will help you make the right decision.

Main Differences Between Axial And Centrifugal Fans:

The most important differences that set DC Axial fans apart from centrifugal fans include the following:

Construction And Working

The first difference you will see among these is their construction and working. In the case of DC axial fans, you will see that the fan blades are mounted on the rotor, and they promote the flow of air parallel to the rotor's axis. As the blades move, they suck air from the back and throw it toward the front.

In the case of centrifugal fans, the blades are on the rotor, but the airflow is perpendicular to the rotor's axis. These fans usually suck air from the top and throw it perpendicularly with centrifugal action.

Air Delivery And Operational Speed

Axial fans have an air delivery range between 100 and 500000 ft in 3 minutes, with the operational speed being higher than that of centrifugal fans. On the other hand, the centrifugal fans have air delivery capacities ranging between 500 and 125000 and fit in 3 minutes, so their operational speed is much less.

Power Consumption

The axial fans rely on more powerful motors for a higher operational speed and farther air delivery. On the other hand, the centrifugal fans benefit from the centrifugal flow of air, so they don't need that highly powerful motor. This phenomenon also differentiates them concerning power consumption since axial fans consume more power and run at higher voltages than centrifugal fans.


Applications of DC axial fans:

  • These are great for heat exchange, so they are used for cooling and maintaining the temperature of desktop computers.
  • Axial fans make a good choice for condenser assemblies
  • These are used for HVAC applications.

Applications of centrifugal fans:

  • Bigger units are used in turbines.
  • Smaller centrifugal fans are used in laptops for cooling.
  • These fans are a functional component of air conveyor systems.

Size And Air Volume

Axial fans are designed to provide a high volume of air since they are made with no restrictions on size. These come in small sizes but are usually installed in locations with ample free space. So, they can provide much higher air volume displacement in less time.

On the other hand, the centrifugal fans are made in a slim form factor. They have a small opening for sucking air inside and a small opening for the throw-off air. As these are usually used in compact applications like laptops, the airflow volume is also less than axial fans.

Find Out More About The Best Fans For Your Demand.

DC Axial Fans make the better choice for most applications where space is not a core requirement but if you have thin space like the inside of a laptop then the best choice is a centrifugal fan hence its better airflow even in tighter spaces. Find out more about these fans and the applications they can serve you.


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